Sunday, September 30, 2012


Syair Arab : '' Putih tidaklah bermaksud cantik , 
dan hitam tidaklah bererti kotor 
kerana putihnya kafan itu menakutkan 
sedangkan kelambu kaabah yang hitam itu menyenangkan ."

Friday, September 28, 2012

Math is Hard

so today i need to finish my homework which is math
the things that i dont like about my homework is that 
my teacher always give me the wrong answer
like ALWAYS.. aaarrgghhh
so thank to a person which i found in Yahoo answer
(actually i was looking for an answer with solution) 
he recommend a mathematics software..
thanks dude.. u save my life
oh yaa
here is the link to that useful software

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today i'll write about breaking up
i know, i know its a bit conspiration,
first of all.. This is about my roomate, Nazirah Suhaimi speech on public speaking this afternoon class
at the beginning i kinna hate that class actually.. but now it's turn out to be something interactive
which is good..

I'm only writing what i remember
(maybe its have some kind of add up due to loss of data.. hehe)
First all BREAKING UP is not an easy things..
These are the ways on how to breaking up with a girl/boy:

1. No Gadget
breaking up face to face.. dont use msg, fon call or video call.. when u see him/her it's more convenience and easy to deliver what u wanna say..
after breaking up today.. dont send even a single msg to her/him to say that u miss him/her

2. No Social Networking
again.. dont use social networking to clash.. please see him/her..
u know now it's the facebook, skype and twitter time.. almost everybody have facebook account
please.. after breaking up.. no stalking his facebook, twitter, blog or what ever kind of social networking.. avoid video call.. pleasa stop it ok :))

3.Be honest
please be honest to him/her of why u wanna break up.. its might help him/her for his/her next relationship.. when i say honest doesnt mean that if u doesnt like him because u think that he's ugly.. u says that u r ugly.. i dont like u.. say i more properly.. like ex.. actually u doesnt have the characteristics of the man that i like.. i think this relatioship isnt going anywhere.. u deserve someone im afraid that if u say that TOO HONESTLY it might end up in an acid splash incident.. just saying

Last but not least u have to find someone who is suitable for u.. if u think that your relationship is going nowhere just end it up.. if its only one way love.. stop it.. love is about GIVE and TAKE.. it's more to sharing and experience.. u also need to open the door for other person.. oh ya.. about the gadget LOVE things.. u can see a story entitled textuality on DIVA channel astro 702.. please make in real.. no online realtionship.. make it real..
adios :))

Bitchy Quotes, Bitchy Quotes Images, Bitchy Sayings

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy Malaysia Day :)

I think it's still not too late to say 


Dr Seuss

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 

― Dr. Seuss

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I have 5 finger for a reason

this is what I found in Facebook
it's quit interesting
so i wanna share it here :))

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Everyone says that love HURTS, 

but that's not true. 

Loneliness HURTS. 

Rejection HURTS. 

Losing someone HURTS. 

Envy HURTS. 

Everyone gets these things confused with LOVE, 

but in reality,


is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Adat Pertandingan

jadi nak cerita la sikit pengalamannya

ni la contoh model water rocket
basically the Principle of Water Rocket is by using water as a "fuel".

Jadi aku+kawan2 aku pon reka la Water Rocket ni
maklum la excited nak masuk.. 
hendak dijadikan cerita parachute x terbukak. 
Kmi semua pon agak frustrated n sedih sebb x dpt nak menang dalam pertandingan tu..
Eventhough we get 3 trial to launch the rocket our paracute still doesnt come out :((
tapi walau macam mana pon aku tetap happy sbb ni la 1st time ak masuk dan roket kmi menjadi cuma masalah parachute je la.. 

maka berbalik kpd entry 
bertepatan la dgn apa org kata
Adat Pertandingan Ada Menang Ada Kalah
yang penting kita dah Berusaha dan cuba yang terbaik :D

Inspiring Quotes, Inspiration Quotes, Inspiring Sayings

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tabiat Menggelar

Zaman sekarang ni menggelar orang dengan panggilan  loser, anjing dan sebagainya dah jadi perkara biasa..Perlu diingatkan Menggelar seseorang dengan pelbagai gelaran buruk bukanlah sesuatu ynag boleh dijadikan amalan.bahkan ia salah sama sekali.

Firman Allah dalam surah Al-Hujrat ayat 11 yang bermaksud 

dan janganlah pula kamu panggil memanggil antara satu sama lain dengan gelaran yang buruk, amatlah buruknya sebutan nama fasiq sesudah ia beriman. Dan ingatlah, sesiapa yang tidak bertaubat daripada perbuatan fasiqnya maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim "

oleh itu 

sama-samalah kita mengikis dan mengurangkan tabiat kita yang suka menggelar orang dgn pelbagai gelaran yang x sedap didengar :))