Friday, October 19, 2012

Contact Lens

This is what i got from Tv3 today : "Buta kerana contact lens". Ini bukan ayat saya, tp this is what i heard from optometrist yg dijemput okayh.

1. Pemakaian lens memerlukan kesesuaian saiz diameter kornea dgn lens yg dipakai supaya lens tidak bergerak2 masa pakai. Mslh sekarang, ada org yg mata hitam dye kecil, tp dye pakai lens yg dpt buat dye kelihatan bermata bulat dn besar. This is a proble
m sbb diameter tk same!

2. Pemakaian lens trlalu lama, umpamanya smpai bertahun2 jdi pengguna setia lens, akan menyebabkn kornea mata menjadi lebih berusia dri usia mata itu sendiri. Mata akn menjadi hilang sinar.

3. Risiko ulser kornea!

4. Tanya diri sendiri, kenape perlu pakai lens? Kalau hanya utk tujuan kecantikan, u better batalkn hasrat tu. Kalau utk tujuan bersukan, yes, memang necessary.

5. jgn beli langsung yg murah. never never never.

1. ade sorang budak uni jadi hmpir buta, mata jdi putih sebab dye tertido masa pakai lens.
2. ade sorang lg pulak bertukar dr pakai spek pd lens. dye pakai lens for 2 years and mata dye jdi horrible makin teruk gila, pastu dye pun tukar balik pd spek.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fairy Tail :D

My one favourite anime xD


---->Fairy Tail

if u wish to watch it online
these are the
latest website update for Fairy Tail

u should pay me for promoting ur website here
naaa just kidding xD
 oh ya.. Daily Motion also good

the episode update each saturday :D

Monday, October 8, 2012

When you get anxiety about the future it's better not to think about it

You know, Tohru-kun, when you get anxiety about the future it's better not to think about it. And let's not wipe our faces with dishtowels... For example let's say, Tohru-kun, that you are surrounded with a mountain of laundry piled so high around your feet that you can't move. Are you with me? Now, let's assume you don't have a washing machine, so you have to wash everything individually by hand. You would be at a loss for what to do, right? You'd worry about if you could ever wash everything, if you could get it all clean, if you'd ever have time for anything but laundry ever again! The more you'd think about it, the more anxious you'd get. But the time keeps passing, and the laundry doesn't wash itself. So what do you do, Tohru-kun? It might be a good idea to start washing the laundry right at your feet. Of course it's important to think about what lies ahead, too, but if you only look at what's down the road you'll get tangled in the laundry at your feet and you'll fall, won't you? You see, it's also important to think about what you can do now, what you can do today. And if you keep washing things one at a time, you'll be done before you know it. Because fortune is looking out for you. Sometimes the anxiety will start to well up, but when it does, take a little break.
-fruit basket- 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


“Inspirations never go in for long engagements; 

they demanded immediate marriage to action.”

when you get a creative way to do something, do it!
when you got the idea, do it immediately!
I have experience of it
when I had my math quiz
I check all of my questions before starting to answer
yeah I got the inspiration to do the last question somehow
but then, as always, we must start with the first question, right?
so I do all the questions
from the beginning to the last
and I stopped at the last
I was like
how can I do this?
after the exam I received my paper back
then I remember
there was one time where I got the inspiration to do it :))
I feel dissapointed but i learned the lessons of the day
which is
  when u got the inspiration to do something.
do it immediately
dont wait
because it may fly away easily